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Take a few moments to review the Questions and Answers below. They provide honest information concerning the lottery and lottery wheeling systems. You can just scroll down or click on the question in the menu below and the page will move to that answer. For more information on lottery software programs, select Lottery_Software. There are ways to increase your chances of winning prizes but you must understand what any system or program will and will not do for you. Do not fall for the "I alone have found the secret to make you a million" type of advertising that is so common on the internet. Below are the answers to questions you may have, just click on the question. TOP View Shopping Cart / Checkout What is a lottery wheeling system? A lottery wheeling system is nothing more than a special pattern to help you arrange your favorite numbers into bets. Once you have a system it can be used over and over again with different numbers. A good lottery wheel will be constructed in such a way that if the winning numbers fall in the group you have selected, you will always have a prize somewhere in your bets. If you have a group of 12 numbers then the lottery wheel you select should have the numbers 1-12 arranged in sets of numbers (each set is 5 or 6 numbers depending on the type of lotto played). You don't bet the numbers in the original wheel (unless you feel that all the winning numbers are going to be from 1 to 12). Instead you take the wheel and substitute your numbers in the wheels pattern. Simply replace all the 1's in the pattern with your first number, all the 2's with your second number, all the 3's with your third number, etc. When you are done you have your numbers arranged into the wheel's pattern ready to bet (if you did not make any mistakes). All Computer Generated Wheeling Systems offered on this site include PC software to do the number substitution for you to prevent any errors. Page_Menu TOP What is the difference between FULL and ABBREVIATED wheels? The purpose of a full wheel is to aim for the jackpot and multiple lower prizes. A full wheel always contains ALL possible combinations that can be made with the group of numbers wheeled. For example a 12 numbers full wheel requires that you play 924 games to cover every possible combination of 6 numbers. The main purpose of an abbreviated wheel is to aim for a specific lower prize, such as second or third prize. As an example in a 6 number lotto, a 14 number abbreviated wheel that guarantees at least one 4 of 6 win when the drawn numbers are all in your 14, only requires that you play 14 games, much less than the 3003 games contained in a full 14 number wheel. An Abbreviated wheel will not guarantee more than its specified prize because it covers only the combinations needed for that prize. You may win a better prize, multiple prizes or even the jackpot with an abbreviated wheel but it is not guaranteed. Page_Menu TOP What are the benefits of full wheels? If you play a full wheel you have a guarantee to win the jackpot if all the drawn numbers appear in the group of numbers wheeled, because you played all possible combinations. In addition, a full wheel usually provides a good amount of wins even if you only match a few of the drawn numbers. Page_Menu TOPWhat is the disadvantage of full wheels? The exponential increase in the number of tickets you have to purchase when you want to wheel a large amount of numbers. Full wheels can be very expensive to play, that's why it is mostly large pools or Lotto-Clubs who will play full wheels. A 15 number full wheel for a 6 number lotto requires 5005 tickets. Page_Menu TOPWhat are the benefits of abbreviated wheels? They contain fewer games to play because you don't aim for the jackpot; therefore they are more economical. You can play a large amount of numbers at a reasonable cost and still have a win guaranteed. By being able to play more numbers, you greatly increase your chances for matching more of the lottery winning numbers in your wheel. Page_Menu TOPWhat is the disadvantage of abbreviated wheels? What you loose with abbreviated wheels is the jackpot guarantee when all the drawn numbers appear in the group of numbers you played (or wheeled), because you didn't play all possible combinations. However, you still could win multiple prizes, even the jackpot, it just is not guaranteed. Page_Menu TOPWhat are the odds of winning a lottery jackpot? In a regular 6-49 lotto the odds of winning the jackpot are 1 in 13,986,816 or several times greater then being struck by lighting. Most people have no idea what numbers that big really mean. So lets put it in simple terms. The odds of winning a lotto jackpot with one ticket are about the same as flipping a fair coin and hitting heads 24 times in a row! Page_Menu TOP Do wheeling systems increase your overall odds? No, a wheeling system alone does not increase your overall odds of winning. If the odds of winning are 13.9 million to 1 for your lotto, then they are 13.9 million to 1 for each bet whether you wheel your numbers or just select them. You will have the exact same chance of winning the jackpot either way. Wheels do encourage people to play more tickets and your overall odds of winning the jackpot are directly related to the number of bets you place. However, sometimes wheels decrease your chances of winning a prize. If at least 3 of the winning numbers are not in the group of numbers you wheel, you are guaranteed NOT to win any prize regardless of how many tickets you have purchased. Wheels are only for the people who have a group of numbers and need a way to distribute those numbers into bets. If you don't have a group of numbers (8-25 or so) that you want to risk your money on, you should not use wheeling. You should use a program like our Probaloto to help make your bets. Page_Menu TOP If wheels don't increase my odds, why use them? Even though wheels don't increase your OVERALL odds, they can guarantee winning a prize if you select the correct group of numbers for your wheel. I don't pretend to have a magic way to pick numbers but if you have your own group of favorite numbers, along with Aunt Martha's age, your child's birthday, a street address, etc. and you need help arranging those numbers into bets, a good lottery wheeling system is the only way to go. If you are right and all the winning numbers fall in the group you select, a good error free wheel will GUARANTEE you a prize. That's right guarantee you a prize every time all the winning numbers are anywhere in your wheeled group. Some wheeling systems guarantee a prize even if only 3 or 4 of the winning numbers are in the wheeled group. Page_Menu TOP What is the story behind Computer Generated Lottery Wheels? Computer Generated Lottery Wheeling Systems are special wheels
that are created and checked by a computer program. Many wheeling
systems, especially those available before the mid 1980's, have errors and do not always provide
the guarantee stated. The editor, publisher or even the author may have
caused these errors, but the customer still suffered the loss. In order to
ensure that our wheels were always error free we wrote the software used to
create, check and publish our lottery wheeling systems. In addition to our
own sales several national companies sold these guaranteed wheels under their
company name. By the
late 1980's
LSI Publishing, headed by the lottery expert Robert Serotic, expanded the
international marketing of our Computer Generated Lottery Wheels under his trademark name "The Computer Wheel Network". Over the years LSI
Publishing sold hundreds of our wheeling systems under his trademark.
After Robert Serotic retired we decided to assume total marketing responsibility for
our truly unique Computer Generated Lottery Wheels. Now this site is the
only place in the world where you can find these unique wheels. Page_Menu
Computer Generated KEY Number lottery wheels have one or two numbers common to every set in the wheel. In a KEY number wheel two conditions must be met for the guarantee. First, all the winning numbers must be somewhere in the wheeled numbers, just like regular wheels. Second, the number selected for the key must be one of the winning numbers! Key wheels have fewer sets to bet for a given guarantee, but if you don't hit the key you don't get the guarantee. In a 6 number lotto a 15 number 5 of 6 guarantee wheel will have 215 or more sets. A 15 number KEY wheel with the same guarantee only has 83 sets to bet, but remember the key must be one of the winning numbers. The KEY wheels can be located by looking for a "K" in the wheel name. (Listed on the Wheel_List page) These wheels should only be used when you really feel very strongly that one or two numbers are going to hit. Page_Menu TOP What are Computer Generated Multi-Prize Lottery Wheels? The Computer Generated Multi-Prize Lottery Wheeling Systems always guarantee 2 or more prizes every time. A multi-prize wheel has more sets but also has a much larger guarantee. For example a 12 number wheel that guarantees 1, 4 of 6 win in a 6 number lottery takes about 10 bets. A multi-prize wheel that guarantees 13, 4 of 6 prizes takes 42 bets. Yes that is 4 times the bets, but the minimum guarantee is 13 times larger! If you get all the winning numbers in that wheeled group you will win 13 or more, 4 of 6 prizes guaranteed. We even have large wheeling systems for lotto clubs and pools wheeling more numbers that guarantee 10, 25, 30 or more prizes every time all the winning numbers are in the wheeled group. The multi-prize wheels can be located by looking for a "T" in the wheel name. (Listed on the Wheel_List page) This is the only site in the world that has Computer Generated Multi-Prize Lottery Wheeling Systems. Page_Menu TOP Why not use just any free wheeling system I find on the Internet? Just because someone says that they have a lottery wheeling system it does not mean that system will guarantee any win at all, even if all the winning numbers are in the group that you wheel. No one gets all the winning numbers in their wheeled group every time. It would be heartbreaking to finally get all the winning numbers in your wheel and then find out that you still did not win anything because your wheeling system had errors. That can't ever happen with our Computer Generated Lottery Wheeling Systems. For our written guarantee select Lottery_Wheels. Check to see if any of the other lottery sites have a written guarantee on their "guaranteed wheels". Many times what you will find is a "For Entertainment Only" disclaimer so they don't have to guarantee their wheeling systems. Page_Menu TOP How can I be sure the wheel I use does not have errors? There are lots of great wheeling systems out there that have no errors, but the only way to be sure you have one is to use wheels that have been checked by computer for accuracy. The Computer Generated Lottery Wheeling Systems offered at this site were created and checked by our computers. Every one has been checked against every possible combination to ensure that each wheel will always provide the stated prize or better. Page_Menu TOP Wheels sound great, but I don't understand them, should I use them anyway? No, never spend a dime on any system until you understand what
it will and will not do for you. There are many good books on wheeling
systems. Select Can I order through the regular mail? Any of the items on this site may be ordered through the regular mail. We have secure on-line shopping cart for ordering the lottery software and the wheeling system packages, however if you would rather order through the mail with a check or money order just select Contact_Us for our mail address or E-Mail link. Credit card companies charge fees, so for lottery software or wheeling system package orders that are pre-paid by check or money order, we will pay the shipping and handling charges. We do not yet have on-line credit card shopping cart for ordering the individual Computer Generated Lottery Wheeling Systems (Over 600 listed on the Wheel_List page). Because of this inconvenience we are providing 10% to 50% discounts (depending on the number ordered) on the individual wheeling systems. In addition to the our secure on-line shopping cart and regular mail orders, the secure online service PayPal may be used to pay for anything on this site. Page_Menu TOP Where can I find my local lottery information? Just select our Lottery_Links page for links to almost every state lottery site and some international ones as well. Be sure to bookmark this site first so you can return when you are finished. Page_Menu TOP How do I reach you if I have more questions? We have a page with all the information you need. Just select Contact_Us to find our mail address, E-Mail link and FAX number. We also have a Guest Book there so you can leave your questions or comments for everyone to see. We are always open for suggestions and check our guest book often. Page_Menu TOP To make our site faster and more convenient, we keep most of our ads and banners on the last page called Links. That page may take a little longer to load but the deals found there are worth your time to check out, many are free. These deals range from computers and software to greeting cards. Please bookmark our Links page in your favorites. Page_Menu Home Information Lottery_Software Probaloto_Info Probaloto_Manual Lets_Info Lets_Manual Lottery_Wheels Wheel_List Wheel_Packages Package_1 Package_2 Package_3 Contact_Us Site_Map Links Lottery_Links |
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